For military retirees who are looking for a lucrative home business.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Is This What You Expected?

When you take stock of your life today as a military retiree, is it what you expected it would be? Are you living the lifestyle you envisioned? Do you finally have time to spend with your family? Can you afford the hobbies you enjoy?

You made some significant sacrifices in terms of time and earning potential by giving most of your adult years to protect the freedoms we all enjoy. If you were like the rest of it, you expected those sacrifices to be rewarded with a decent retirement pay and benefit package. Those benefits have been eroded over the years in the interest of government budget cuts. In addition, the cost of living has certainly outpaced our retirement income.

The qualities one needs to become a successful entrepreneur are very similar to those it takes to be a successful military person. Those qualities include being coachable and trainable, having a burning desire to excel, and being a leader to others. You owe it to yourself, your family, and your future associates to step forward again to become the best you can be. Keep your vision.

We stepped out on faith and are so grateful to actually be living more fully in retirement than ever. Is this what we expected? We expected we would be financially secure. We expected to live in our dream home. We expected to drive nice cars. We expected to have the time and resources to serve others. All of this is happening for us, and we'd love to assist you in having it happen for you as well. Contact us today and start living the retirement you expected.

In Your Service,
Ed and Sandra Hayes

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