For military retirees who are looking for a lucrative home business.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Blessings In Disguise

Whether you are retired from the military or not, do your plans ever get derailed? I'm sure the answer is "Yes" since you belong to the human race. When things don't go as I plan for them to, I remember a quote from Jack Canfield that I heard about 15 years ago: "It's not what happens to me, it's how I respond to what happens to me that determines the quality of my life." If you really dig into this statement you will find a lot of wisdom. In fact, you may even find that some seemingly negative things that happen to you are actually blessings in disguise.

One of the cornerstone products of our Liberty League International business is a 90-day home study course entitled, "Beyond Freedom." When I finish the ninety days, I start over again knowing that I still have things to learn about myself and improvements to make. This past week one of my assignments was called "Overcoming Adversity." The exercise in this assignment was to list five examples of adversity that I have faced. The kicker then was to look for opportunities that resulted from those times of adversity. In particular I was instructed to look for changes I made, influential people I met, and growth that I experienced.

Some examples I listed included the loss of our first baby and the loss of a job. At the time these events seemed devastating. Looking back on them enables me to see the blessings that followed. For example, after the loss of our baby, I made some wonderful new friends, developed a much stronger faith, and with the birth of our daughter a year later, I realized that God has a bigger and better plan than I can imagine.

I used to think that if I "played by the rules," I would be guaranteed success. Now that I've lived over half a century, I realize how foolish that notion is. I am so blessed to have grown in faith and to have developed the courage to take risks in life. The greatest opportunities await those who step out in faith. That is exactly what Ed did when he left a management position and became an entrepreneur. It is what I did when I followed suit a few months later.

Right now, I don't know your story. Maybe your life has been like a fairy tale and you anticipate "living happily ever after." Or maybe you're not satisfied with how things are going right now. Maybe you're looking for an opportunity to take you to a new level financially, personally, relationally, or spiritually. I don't have all the answers but I have some.

I know the blessings we have received because we dared to take a risk and stepped out on faith. You see, not having enough time and money to achieve our dreams caused us to look for new options. Our previous lack turned out to be a blessing in disguise. My goal now is to help other military retirees like us find new hope for the future. Contact me and we will simply have a conversation. Together we can figure out where you want to go from here and how to get there.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Friday, September 21, 2007

Successful Retired People Take Action

We all know that successful people, retired or otherwise, take action. Failure to take action leaves us stuck where we are or maybe even sliding backwards. Just wishing for your life to look different will never make it happen. You have to actually make a decision and do something.

In The Traveler's Gift, Andy Andrews describes the story of Col. Joshua Chamberlain during the battle of Gettysburg. According to Andy, the decision Col. Chamberlain made that day changed the course of the battle, the war, and ultimately, the fact that we are The United States and not a bunch of smaller countries. The men under Chamberlain questioned his order to fight rather than retreat or surrender. Chamberlain's men were severely outnumbered and out-armed. Nevertheless, Chamberlain made the decision and saw it through. As far as he was concerned, success was the only option.

So what area do you need to make some changes? Is it in a relationship? Is it in your finances? Are you in an unsatisfactory job? Your broke and miserable friends and family members will probably tell you to suck it up. Life happens. We can't always have what we want. Rich people are just lucky. 97% of people stay where they are because they are afraid of taking action. They consider it to be too risky.

Of course it's risky to take action. But successful people are willing to assume some risk in order to make huge gains in their lives. Successful people know that they are responsible for their results. If their results are not what they want, they make decisions and take actions to change their results. That is exactly what I did. I was not happy with my finances. I was not happy with a job working long hours, with too little vacation, and too little pay. The only way my situation would ever change was if I decided to do something. And then actually do it!!

I did and the rest is history. I'm sitting here in my dream home during what used to be a "work day." It's been a very productive day so far by my standards. I've set some goals and achieved them. In a few hours, I will visit my elderly mother. I never had this kind of time and energy when I "worked." How about you? Now that you're retired from the military, are you ready to take some new action before it's too late? Contact me and I'll call you back. I know where I'm headed because I'm a successful person taking action to get there. I'll help you do the same.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Saturday, September 15, 2007

It's All About Integrity

Regardless of one's endeavor, it's all about integrity. Webster's unabridged dictionary defines integrity as an unimpaired or unmarred condition. It is also "an uncompromising adherence to a code of moral, artistic or other values: utter sincerity, honesty, and candor: avoidance of deception, expediency, artificiality, or shallowness of any kind."

These sound like words from a United States Armed Forces code of conduct, don't they? Retirement doesn't change these characteristics of a person. You had them prior to enlisting or being commissioned, and you continue to have them after separation or retirement. They are at the core of who you are and what you believe in.

An important aspect of integrity is that we must have it toward our creator and ourselves before we can have it toward others. This requires us to periodically meditate (pray) and reflect on who we are, why we're here, and what actions we intend to take. By making a conscious effort to always remain in integrity, our decisions reflect who we are intentionally BEING. Genuine, honest people are attractive leaders. People are drawn to them and want to follow them.

This is the exact approach we take in our business. We first made sure the company we joined was one of integrity - that their way of operating is honest, open and focused on improving the lives of others, not just the pocketbooks of a few. We then observed the leaders and listened to them as often as we could. It was so refreshing to repeatedly hear that having integrity is a prerequisite for success.

So if you are now looking at some options for helping others reach their goals and in so doing also reach yours, contact us. We take your trust seriously and we promise to treat you with the utmost honesty, always following the principles of the Golden Rule. After all, in business as in all relationships, it's all about integrity.

To Your Utmost Success,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, September 10, 2007

An Insider's View

Considering we retired from the USAF in 1994, Ed and I feel qualified to discuss our insider's view of being retired and blessed.

People who choose the United States military as a career are a special breed. If you are like us, you believe in our country and the freedom we seek to provide for everyone. You probably like to travel, meet new friends, learn new things, and try new adventures. Maybe you are still able to do these things in your retirement and maybe not.

Our life took on a new look after Ed's retirement. For one thing, we both worked for employers who paid us for our work time and wouldn't consider giving us 30 paid days of leave a year. There isn't much room for adventure in corporate America either. For one thing, most work takes place within the confines of their turf and under their policies. Also, it was difficult for us to remain creative and adventurous working 11 hour-days catering to someone else's agenda.

Given that we are still young and healthy, we want to enjoy our lives free of financial and time constraints. Our friends said, "Good luck." Well, we don't believe in luck, we believe in taking action and making things happen. We are grateful and blessed to live in a country where freedom reigns. It would discredit our forefathers if we settled for mediocrity. We teamed up with people just like us who are persistent, adventurous, and who take responsibility for their own circumstances. Every day we wake up with a purpose.

Knowing who you are and where you are going is the key to success in any area of life. As military retirees with an insider's view, we continue to build on our active duty experiences. As we enjoy the freedom to live life on our terms, we are blessed to be able to provide a way for others to achieve the freedom they want and deserve.

To Your Success and Freedom,
Sandra and Ed Hayes